22 July 2024

Training ‘Information modeling | A practical introduction’💡

Recently a few colleagues provided a training at the municipality of Utrecht on information modeling related to the built environment. Aim was to get value from your data by making an information model. The practical training was divided in 4 steps: 1️⃣ Information needs | Your foundation 2️⃣ Terms and concepts | How do we […]

27 May 2024

Scrum way of working

Last Friday, a number of colleagues followed a Scrum Training. This training was given by our Agile/Scrum coach Lars Liebrand! Within BIM-Connected it is important that all colleagues can work according to the Scrum method. This helps: 👉🏽 our software development | Wistor and BIM-Bridge 👉🏽 to have control over our projects 👉🏽 to achieve […]

15 May 2024

Lucas Verhelst as a new board member of Stumico

Our colleague Lucas Verhelst has joined the board of Stumico. Stumico is the association for digitalization in construction, from housing and infrastructure to utility construction and installations. Every year Stumico organizes various inspiring events about trends, developments and innovations in our dynamic field. The association connects more than 200 members from all over the Netherlands. Have a […]

15 March 2024

OTL implementation at Municipality of Amsterdam 🎉

We are happy to have extended the collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam for the further development and use of the OTL (Object Type Library). 🌟 The municipality has once again given us the confidence to take the use of the OTL to a higher level. Both within the project and maintenance phase.💡 Congratulations to […]

21 February 2024

Wistor as Common Data Environment (CDE) for the municipality of Utrecht

In the past year, BIM-Connected won the tender for the construction of an asset information facility for the Municipality of Utrecht; The way in which information about objects (assets) in the Public Space is provided. As BIM-Connected, we are extremely proud that the municipality of Utrecht has chosen the vision to work with open data […]

16 February 2024

Awarding fireBIM subsidy process

Based on our submitted plan, we as international consortium (Dutch participants: Stam + De Koning, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), BuildingSmart Benelux and BIM-Connected) have been awarded the subsidy process by ITEA4 for the FireBIM project. FireBIM aims to harmonize and implement the fire safety codes of participating countries into an open-source, web-based BIM platform […]

6 September 2023

BIM-Connected in magazine !NTERVISIE

Bob van Thiel and Salma Abdelsamie wrote an article about BIM in the energy industry and life as a trainee / starter at BIM-Connected in magazine !NTERVISIE. !NTERVISIE is the magazine of the master track Construction Management and Engineering (CME) at the Eindhoven University of Technology and it’s made by study association Of CoUrsE! You […]


Wistor Launch event

Thursday afternoon September 14, the 𝗪𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿 launch event 🚀 Sign up, possibly together with your colleague, by sending an email to info@wistor.nl. There are a limited number of places available. Wistor is a revolutionary platform for dealing with data in an innovative and modular way. With Wistor you configure the platform around your data (sets), […]

28 July 2023

Knowledge session together with VDNDP

Knowledge session 💡 As part of our two weekly knowledge sessions our colleague Fred Kloet invited Jeffrey Truijens, partner at VDNDP, at our office. Topic: Data-driven Facility Management. How do we help our clients in data-driven decision making in the last stages of the asset life cycle? What could be improved and what can we […]

