7 July 2023

World Built Environment Forum podcast with Fred Kloet

Listen to the World Built Environment Forum podcast with our colleague Fred Kloet. Fred talks and answers about the opportunities with openBIM, digtal twins and the future of facility management. Reach out Fred if you have any questions – fred.kloet@bim-connected.com

13 June 2023

Linked Data in Architecture and Construction week

#LDAC2023 has started with the Summer School. This week our collegues Ellen van den Bersselaar and Lucas Verhelst are joining the Linked Data in Architecture and Construction community in Matera for workshops, presentations and discussions. We are proud to sponsor this event with a use case for the summer school and two presentations. It is possible to attend some of […]

28 March 2023

BIM-Connected signs digiAkkoord

Acceleration of digitization and chain optimization. A broad coalition of 61 chain partners in the design, construction and engineering industry signed the new digi-Agreement until 2030 last week. BIM-Connected was one of them. Until 2030, the digi-Agreement is a clear new step in making faster use of digitization opportunities in our industry. Accelerated digitization and […]

15 March 2023

Gold for Linked Data in Architecture and Construction 2023! 🏅

We are happy to be a gold sponsor of the LDAC Summer School and Workshop this year. LDAC brings researchers and companies together to collaborate on the further digitisation of the construction industry using semantic web technologies. We will provide a usecase for participants of the Summer School and several presentations during the workshop. We’re […]

1 March 2023

Watch our webinar about ‘digital data exchange on projects’ on YouTube

On Friday February 24, Herman Winkels (BIM consultant TenneT) and Jakko Heinen gave a webinar about digital data exchange between TenneT and Qirion.The use of an OTL, Information Delivery Specification, open standards such as Linked Data and IFC and a data control portal are the important topics. The webinar can be viewed below. If you […]

14 February 2023

Webinar digital data exchange between client and contractor

On Friday, February 24, we will share the results of the practical case ‘digital data exchange between client and contractor based on an Information Delivery Specification, use of Linked Data standards and IFC and the application of a data control portal’ on the #onlineFriday of digiGO BIM Loket. More info and registration by clicking on this […]

16 January 2023

BIM-Connected 5 years 🎈

Last month we celebrated our 5th anniversary together with friends and colleagues from our network. It is incredibly beautiful to see that this organization of one person 5 years ago has grown into an energetic club of almost 20 colleagues, divided over a consultancy and software team. Started with the belief to bring the construction […]

7 October 2022

DigiDare Award top 3

We finished top 3 in the DigiDare award 2022! 🏅 Together with TenneT and Qirion we built and implemented a data checking portal. The award rewards succesful examples of digital collaboration in practice. Out of 45 other projects from the built environment the juri selected us to be in the top 3. We are very proud of this result! […]

25 July 2022

DigiDare Award 2022 | Video about BIM-Connected’s nominated case

Watch the video (in Dutch) of our nomination project for the DigiDare Awards 2022 below. 2 Weeks ago, a film crew visited us to make a video about our nomination project, a collaboration with TenneT and Qirion. Together with TenneT and Qirion, BIM-Connected has drawn up an ILS (information delivery specification), tested and updated where […]

